On this page you will find:
  • Facts about Academic writing Task-1
  • What Writing task - 1 accesses
  • Essential lessons and tips
  • Lesson on different types of tasks

Facts about writing task - 1

  1. You have to write at least 150 words
  2. One-third of marks will be calclated in final writing bandscores
  3. It is better to complete the task in 20 minutes
  4. You have to write summary of given chart, graph, table, or diagram
  5. You should reconginse and select important data to write in summary
  6. You should make comparisons and contrasts as required
  7. you should write about important data.

What Writing task-1 accesses

  1. Can you interpret data accurately and concisely
  2. Can you make comparisons and contrasts
  3. How well you can organise your data in the essay
  4. Use of tenses

Essential lessons and Tips

Lessons on different types of tasks