On this page you will find:
- Facts about IELTS Speaking
- What examiner is looking for
- Essential Tips and lessons
Facts about IELTS Speaking
- It is a face to face interview between examiner and canditate
- It lasts for 11 - 14 minutes
- Whole test is recorded into device, In case, if it needs to be checked by another examiner
- Test is divided into three parts:
- Part-1: Introduction/Interview
- Part-2: The long turn
- Part-3: Follow-up questions
- Your speaking is accessed by four criterias
- Fluency and coherence
- lexical resoucre
- grammatical range and accuracy
- Pronunciation
- Both GT and Academic students have to take the same test.
What examiner is looking for
- Speak without long pauses
- Using the tenses corretly
- Pronunciation
- vocabulary and clearity of your speech
Essential tips and lessons
More lessons will be added overtime